The Membership of the Association shall comprise of
the following two categories of members, namely:
Corporate Membership:
Corporate Members of the Association which are either
a Body Corporate or a Multinational Corporation having
its Head Office or Branch Office in Pakistan or a Sales
Tax Registered manufacturing concern or a Sales tax
registered business concern having annual turn-over
of Rs: 50 Million or above.
Associate Membership:
Associate Members of the Association which are not a
Body Corporate or a Multinational or a sales-tax-registered
manufacturing or sales-tax-registered Business concern
having annual turn-over of Rs: 50 Million or above
Eligibility for Membership
A sole proprietorship firm or any other company or a
business concern shall be eligible for membership of
the Association, provided that it is carrying on business
of Extraction of Oil through Solvent process commonly
known as Solvent Extraction and fulfill the criteria
as provided in Rule 11 (a to e) of Trade Rules.